Monday, January 5, 2009

Radio Blogs

Okay, so I've been adding the Two Hewitts blog feed to as many blog directories as I can find. Many of these require reciprocal links. That's why you'll see a lot of blog-this and blog-that icons on the right-hand side of the Two Hewitts blog. In all of these blog directories, I make sure to list The Dead Guy as a link.

It doesn't take up much space, I suppose, and the objective is to spread the word, so I'm thinking it's worth the effort. I did put in a tracker in this blog, and I noticed we got some hits from states other than North Carolina (Michigan, where are you?). So, maybe it's like a little snowball, just starting its descent down a hill. How much frozen precipitation will we gather? Stay tuned!

And be sure to check out our home site, HewittsBooks.

You can open a free PDF file of Chapter 1 of The Dead Guy! Read the chapter and see if you get hooked. Why not? (It's a short chapter!)

Oh, I almost forgot. The title of this blog is about radio blogs. I just came across an opportunity to host an Internet radio show. Hmmm. I like the idea, but I've got so many blog directories to submit to! This comes under the "maybe later" category.

Many thanks!


The Dead Guy, Doug Hewitt, mystery novel, mystery author, good mystery read

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