Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Press Releases V1

I might be coming up with updates on my opinion of free press release services, hence the "V1" in the blog title, but I would like to share my opinion of the ones that have released (online) the press releases I've put out there so far. This is valuable in getting your SEO (future blog topic) optimization and rising to the top of the search engines.

The two services I've had good fortune with so far are "i news wire" and "free press release."

I'll plug their logos below. Click on the logos to visit their sites.

Press releases are great if you have any news regarding your book. For example, I'm preparing one to announce my upcoming virtual blog tour. I've signed up with Dorothy Thompson, founder of Pump Up Your Book Promotion. She's done a wonderful job so far, and the virtual tour doesn't begin until February 1!

(posted by Doug)
The Dead Guy, Doug Hewitt, mystery novel, mystery author, good mystery read

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